e-mail: stefanm@if-pan.krakow.pl
phone: +4812 66 23 301
Research interests:
- computer-aided drug design
- homology modelling
- virtual screening
- Warszycki, D.; Mordalski, S.; Staroń, J.; Bojarski, A.J. Bioisosteric matrices for ligands of serotonin receptors. ChemMedChem. 2015 10, 601-605. (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25772514)
- Smusz, S.; Mordalski, S.; Witek, J.; Rataj, K.; Kafel, R.; Bojarski, A.J. Multi-Step Protocol for Automatic Evaluation of Docking Results Based on Machine Learning Methods-A Case Study of Serotonin Receptors 5-HT6 and 5-HT7. J. Chem. Inf. Model. 2015, 55, 823-832. (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25806997)
- Mordalski, S.; Witek, J.; Smusz, S.; Rataj, K.; Bojarski, A.J. Multiple conformational states in retrospective virtual screening – homology models vs. crystal structures: beta-2 adrenergic receptor case study. J. Cheminform. 2015, 9, 7:13. (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25949744)
- Isberg, V.; de Graaf, C.; Bortolato, A.; Cherezov, V. ; Katritch, V.; Marshall, F. H.; Mordalski, S.; Pin, J.; Stevens, R. C.; Vriend, G.; Gloriam, D. E. Generic GPCR residue numbers – aligning topology maps while minding the gaps. Trends Pharmacol. Sci. 2015, 36, 22-31 (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25541108).
- Fidom, K.; Isberg, V.; Hauser, A. S.; Mordalski, S.; Lehto, T.; Bojarski, A. J.; Gloriam, D. E. A new crystal structure fragment-based pharmacophore method for G protein-coupled receptors. Methods 2015, 71, 104-112 (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25286328).
- Witek, J.; Smusz, S.; Rataj, K.; Mordalski, S.; Bojarski, A. J. An application of machine learning methods to structural interaction fingerprints–a case study of kinase inhibitors. Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 2014, 24, 580-585 (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24374279)
- Rataj, K.; Witek, J.; Mordalski, S.; Kosciolek, T.; Bojarski, A. J. Impact of template choice on homology model efficiency in virtual screening. J. Chem. Inf. Model. 2014, 54, 1661-1668 (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24813470)
- Warszycki, D.; Mordalski, S.; Kristiansen, K.; Kafel, R.; Sylte, I.; Chilmonczyk, Z.; Bojarski, A. J. A Linear Combination of Pharmacophore Hypotheses as a New Tool in Search of New Active Compounds – An Application for 5-HT1A Receptor Ligands. PLoS. One. 2013, 8, e84510 (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24367669)
- Testa, B.; Bojarski, A. J.; Mordalski, S. Simulations in evolution. III. Randomness as a generator of opportunities. Chem. Biodivers. 2013, 10, 62-72 (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23341208)
- Mordalski, S.; Kosciolek, T.; Kristiansen, K.; Sylte, I.; Bojarski, A. J. Protein binding site analysis by means of structural interaction fingerprint patterns. Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 2011, 21, 6816-6819 (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21974955).
- Lewgowd, W.; Bojarski, A. J.; Szczesio, M.; Olczak, A.; Glowka, M. L.; Mordalski, S.; Stanczak, A. Synthesis and structural investigation of some pyrimido[5,4-c]quinolin-4(3H)-one derivatives with a long-chain arylpiperazine moiety as potent 5-HT(1A/2A) and 5-HT(7) receptor ligands. Eur. J. Med. Chem. 2011, 46, 3348-3361 (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21601317).
Participation in research projects:
a) as principal investigator:
- 01.10.2014 – 30.09.2015 – Teoretyczne badania nad strukturą receptorów związanych z białkiem G. Narzędzia wspomagające modelowanie homologiczne oraz analizę oddziaływań ligand-receptor
- 17.05.2012 – 16.05.2014 'Application of SIFt profiles in virtual-screening’ financed by „Diamentowy Grant” of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, No 0046/DIA/2012/41 More
b) as executor:
- from 01.11.2013 ‒ EXtention of academia-based PLATFORM to antidepressant hits discovery (PLATFORMex), Nr Pol-Nor/198887/73/2013
- from 01.07.2013 ‒ Innovative therapies for neurodegenerative and neurodevelopmental diseases based on mGlu receptor allosteric modulators – Allosterix, NCBiR 178469, 2013-2015
- from 01.07.2011 – Depression – Mechanisms – Therapy, co-financed by European Union from the European Fund of Regional Development (EFRD), WND-POIG.01.01.02-12-004/09-00, 2010-2013, www.de-me-ter.pl,
- 01.03.2010 – 30.06.2013 Prokog. Antagonists of 5-HT6 receptor as advanced antipsychotic drugs with pro-cognitive properties, co-financed by European Union from the European Fund of Regional Development (EFRD), UDAPOIG.01.03.01-12-063/09-02, www.prokog.pl
- 01.01.2010–31.03.2013 ModAll. Allosteric modulation – new strategy in pharmacotherapy. Identification of the psychotropic roperties of glutamatergic receptor ligands of group III, co-financed by European Union from the European Fund of Regional Development (EFRD) WND-POIG.01.03.01-12-100/08, www.modall.pl
- 01.01.2010–31.06.2011 Creating an academia-based platform to discover substances acting on serotonergic or glutamatergic systems as potential new antidepressant or anxiolytic drugs. Project PNRF –103–AI-1/07, supported by a grant from Norway through the Norwegian Financial Mechanism within the Polish-Norwegian Research Fund (www.cns-platform.eu)
Scientific reports:
a) posters:
- Mordalski,S.; Witek. J.; Podlewska, S.; Rataj, K.; Bojarski, A.J. Multiple conformational states in retrospective virtual screening – homology models vs. crystal structures. Beta-2 adrenergic receptor case study; GLISTEN Amsterdam 2015 Conference, 12-13.10.2015, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Book of Abstracts, P08 Abstract Poster
- Isberg, V.; Mordalski, S.; Munk, C.; Hauser, A.; Harpsoe, K.; Rataj, K.; Bojarski, A.J.; Vriend, G.; Gloriam, D.E. GPCRdb structural data and tools for G Protein-Coupled Receptors; GLISTEN Amsterdam 2015 Conference, 12-13.10.2015, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Book of Abstracts, P01 Abstract
- Bugno, R.; Staroń, J.; Hogendorf, A.; Satała, G.; Warszycki, D.; Mordalski, S.; Bojarski, A.J. New non-basic 5-HT6 Receptor Ligands; VII Conversatory on Medicinal Chemistry, 17-19.09.2015, Lublin, Poland, Book of Abstracts, PP7 Abstract Poster
- Mordalski, S.; Bojarski, A.J. An active conformation of mGlu2 receptor induced by molecular dynamics simulations with C-terminal Gi peptide; VII Conversatory on Medicinal Chemistry, 17-19.09.2015, Lublin, Poland, Book of Abstracts, P68 Abstract Poster
- Rugor, A.M.; Wójcik, A.; Mordalski, S.; Staroń, J.; Bojarski, A.J.; Szaleniec, M. Insight into structure and reactivity of steroid C25 dehydrogenase, a molybdenum enzyme hydroxylating sterols, MoTec – Molybdenum and Tungsten Enzyme Conference, 6-10.09.2015, Balatonfüred, Hungary Abstract
- Isberg, V.; Mordalski, S.; Vriend, G.; Gloriam, D.E. Generic GPCR residue numbering in the structural era – a new scheme handling bulges and constrictions, GLISTEN meeting 2015 – Allschwil, 1-2.04.2015, Allschwil, Switzerland, Book of Abstracts, p. 50
- Mordalski, S.; Isberg, V.; Harpsøe, K.; Hauser, A.; Munk, C.; Gloriam, D. E. Structural tools on GPCRdb, GLISTEN meeting 2015 – Allschwil, 1-2.04.2015, Allschwil, Switzerland, Book of Abstracts, p. 59
- Rugor, A.; Wójcik, A.; Mordalski, S.; Staroń, J.; Bojarski, A.J.; Szaleniec, M.; QM and QM:MM studies of steroid C25 dehydrogenase catalytic subunit, XLVII Ogólnopolskie Kolokwium Katalityczne, 16-18.03.2015, Kraków, Poland, Abstract
- Mordalski, S.; Bojarski, A.J.; Computational study on GPCR – G protein interfaces; The GLISTEN Budapest 2014 Conference, 02-04.10.2014, Budapest, Hungary, Book of Abstracts, L305 Abstract
- Rataj, K.; Witek. J.; Mordalski, S.; Bojarski, A.J.; SIFt-guided agonist/antagonist differentiation for beta2-AR ligands; The GLISTEN Budapest 2014 Conference, 02-04.10.2014, Budapest, Hungary, Book of Abstracts, P409 Abstract Poster
- Smusz, S.; Witek, J.; Rataj. K; Mordalski, S.; Bojarski, A.J.; Structural interaction profiles combination as a method for optimization of its application in docking results analysis – beta-2 adrenergic receptor case study; The GLISTEN Budapest 2014 Conference, 02-04.10.2014, Budapest, Hungary, Book of Abstracts, P412 Abstract Poster
- Warszycki, D.; Mordalski, S.; Freyd, T.; Sylte, I.; Bojarski, A.J.; Pharmacophore modeling of GABA-B receptor ligands – methodology and application for virtual screening; The GLISTEN Budapest 2014 Conference, 02-04.10.2014, Budapest, Hungary, Book of Abstracts, P407 Abstract Poster
- Fidom, K.; Isberg, V.; Hauser, A.S.; Mordalski, S.; Lehto, T.; Bojarski, A.J.; Gloriam, D.E.; A new crystal structure fragment-based pharmacophore method for GPCRs; The GLISTEN Budapest 2014 Conference, 02-04.10.2014, Budapest, Hungary, Book of Abstracts, PG01 Abstract
- Isberg, V.; Vroling, B.; Mordalski, S.; Hauser, A.; van der Kant, R.; Vriend, G.; Gloriam, D.E.; GPCRDB: GPCR data, diagrams and tools; The GLISTEN Budapest 2014 Conference, 02-04.10.2014, Budapest, Hungary, Book of Abstracts, PG02 Abstract
- Isberg, V.; Mordalski, S.; Vriend, G.; Gloriam, D. E.; Generic G protein-coupled receptor residue numbering-aligning topology maps while minding the gaps; The GLISTEN Budapest 2014 Conference, 02-04.10.2014, Budapest, Hungary, Book of Abstracts, PG03 Abstract
- Fidom, K.; Isberg, V.; Mordalski, S.; Hauser, A.; Lehto, T.; ; Bojarski, A.J.; Gloriam, D.E.; A new crystal strycture fragment-based pharmacophore method for G Protein-Coupled receptors; The Schrödinger 14th Annual European User Meeting, 29.09-01.10.2014, Frankfurt, Germany, Book of Abstracts, p. 84 Abstract
- Isberg, V.; Vroling, B.; Mordalski, S.; Hauser, A.; van der Kant, R.; Vriend, G.; Gloriam, D. E.; GPCRDB: GPCR Data, Diagram and Tools; The Schrödinger 14th Annual European User Meeting, 29.09-01.10.2014, Frankfurt, Germany, Book of Abstracts, p. 88 Abstract
- Mordalski, S.; Bojarski, A.J.; 2D-SIFt – a matrix describing ligand-receptor interactions; VIth Conversatory on Medicinal Chemistry, 18-20.09.2014, Lublin, Poland, Book of Abstracts, p. 121 Abstract Poster
- Witek, J.; Smusz, S.; Rataj, K.; Mordalski, S.; Bojarski, A.J.; Combination of structural interaction profiles as a method for optimization of its application in docking results analysis; VIth Conversatory on Medicinal Chemistry, 18-20.09.2014, Lublin, Poland, Book of Abstracts, p. 157 Abstract Poster
- Rugor, A.; Wójcik, A.; Mordalski, S.; Bojarski, A.; Szaleniec, M.; Structural modelling of a novel molybdoenzyme: steroid C25 dehydrogenase from Sterolibacterium denitrificans, Modeling & Design of Molecular Materials 2014, 29.06-03.07.2014, Kudowa Zdrój, Poland, Book of abstracts, p.P58B Abstract
- Rugor, A.; Dudzik, A.; Zawada, N.; Mordalski, S.; Staroń, J.; Bojarski, A.; Szaleniec, M.; Experimental and theoretical studies on steroid C25 dehydrogenase from Sterolibacterium denitrificans; Global Biotechnology Congress, 16-19.06.2014, Boston MA, USA, Book of Abstracts, p.296.Abstract
- Smusz, S.; Mordalski, S.; Witek, J.; Rataj, K.; Bojarski, A.J.; A machine learning-based for docking results analysis; The 10th International Conference on Chemical Structures, 1-5.06.2014, Noordwijkerhout, the Netherlands, Book of Abstracts, p.143 Abstract
- Freyd, T.; Warszycki, D.; Gabrielsen, M.; Mordalski, S.; Kristiansen, K.; Chilmonczyk, Z.; Bojarski, A.J.; Sylte, I.; Allosteric modulation of the human GABA B receptor, GPCR Structure, Function and Drug Discovery Conference, 19-26.05.2014, Cambridge, USA, Book of Abstracts Abstract
- Mordalski, S.; Bojarski, A.J.; 2D-SIFt – a matrix describing detailed interactions between ligand and receptor; Barcelona GPCR Spring Conference 2014, 28-30.04.2014, Barcelona, Spain, Book of Abstracts, p. 31 Poster
- Witek, J.; Smusz, S.; Rataj, K.; Mordalski, S.; Bojarski, A.J.; An application of ligand interaction profiles as a novel approach in virtual screening of GPCR ligands; Barcelona GPCR Spring Conference 2014, 28-30.04.2014, Barcelona, Spain, Book of Abstracts, p. 26 Poster
- Rugor, A.; Dudzik, A.; Zawada, N.; Mordalski, S.; Staroń, J.; Bojarski, A.; Szaleniec, M.; Badania nad strukturą i aktywnośącią katalityczną Dehydrogenazy C25 steroidowej z Sterolibacterium Denitrificans; XLVI Ogólnopolskie Kolokwium Katalityczne, 2014.03.19-21 Kraków, Poland, Book of Abstracts, p.64 Abstract
- Rugor, A.; Mordalski, S.; Staroń, J.; Bojarski, A. ; Szaleniec, M.; Steroid C25 Dehydrogenase – homology modeling and substrate spectrum; Molybdenum & Tungsten Enzymes Conference, 16-19.07.2013, Sintra, Portugal, Book of Abstracts.
- A. Rugor, S. Mordalski, J. Staroń, M. Tataruch, A. Bojarski, M. Szaleniec: Pozyskiwanie bakteryjnego katalizatora dehydrogenazy C-25 steroidowej i synteza 25-hydroksysteroli; 56 Zjazd Naukowy PTChem i SITPChem, 16-20.09.2013, Siedlce, Poland
- Smusz, S.; Mordalski, S.; Witek, J.; Rataj, K.; Bojarski, A.J.; Automatic evaluation of complexes of ligands with serotonin receptors based on the application of machine learning methods; GPCR-Ligand Interactions, Structures, and Transmembrane Signalling: a European Research Network, 07-09.10.2013, Warsaw, Poland, Poster
- Rataj, K.; Witek, J.; Kościółek, T.; Mordalski, S.; Bojarski, A.J.; Impact of template choice on homology model quality and their efficiency in Virtual Screening; GPCR-Ligand Interactions, Structures, and Transmembrane Signalling: a European Research Network, 07-09.10.2013, Warsaw, Poland, Poster
- Mordalski, S.; Witek, J.; Bojarski, A.J.; Non-Class A templates in homology modeling of Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor 2; GPCR-Ligand Interactions, Structures, and Transmembrane Signalling: a European Research Network, 07-09.10.2013, Warsaw, Poland, Poster
- Witek, J.; Smusz, S.; Rataj, K.; Mordalski, S.; Bojarski, A.J.; An application of machine learning methods to Structural Interaction Fingerprints as a novel approach in the search for biologically active compounds; GPCR-Ligand Interactions, Structures, and Transmembrane Signalling: a European Research Network, 07-09.10.2013, Warsaw, Poland, Poster
- Mordalski, S.; Witek, J.; Rataj, K.; Smusz, S.; Bojarski, A.J.; Automated docking restrains assignment based on interaction profiles; Book of Abstracts, p.54. GPCR Workshop 2013, 01-05.12.2013, Maui, Hawaii, USA, Poster
- Smusz, S.; Mordalski, S.; Witek, J.; Rataj, K.; Bojarski, A.J.; A novel machine learning-based protocol for predicting biological activity of chemical compounds; GPCR Workshop 2013, 01-05.12.2013, Maui, Hawaii, USA, Book of Abstracts, p.58. Poster
- A. Rugor, S. Mordalski, J. Staroń, A. Bojarski, M. Szaleniec: Homology Modeling of Steroid C25 Dehydrogenase, 5-th Central European Congress of Life Sciences EUROBIOTECH 2013, 08-11.10.2013, Kraków, Poland
- Mordalski, S.; Witek, J.; Rataj, K.; Smusz, S.; Bojarski, A.J.; A SIFt-guided approach to docking restrains assignment. An application to Virtual Screening; 5th Symposium of the Polish Bioinformatics Society, 25-27.05.2012, Gdańsk, Poland, Book of Abstracts, p.Talk10. Abstract Poster
- Kurczab, R.; Mordalski, S.; Kościółek, T.; Bojarski, A.J.; The novel approach in structure-based 3D pharmacophore model generation and its evaluation on 5-HT6R homology models; 5th Symposium of the Polish Bioinformatics Society, 25-27.05.2012, Gdańsk, Poland, Book of Abstracts, p.Talk20. Abstract Poster
- Rataj, K.; Witek, J.; Kościółek, T.; Mordalski, S.; Bojarski, A.J.; Impact of template choice on quality of 5-HT6 receptor homology models; 5th Symposium of the Polish Bioinformatics Society, 25-27.05.2012, Gdańsk, Poland, Book of Abstracts, p.Poster33. Abstract Poster
- Witek, J.; Rataj, K.; Kościółek, T.; Mordalski, S.; Bojarski, A.J.; Structural Interaction Fingerprints as a tool for assessing ligand selectivity between two targets; 5th Symposium of the Polish Bioinformatics Society, 25-27.05.2012, Gdańsk, Poland, Book of Abstracts, p.Poster42. Abstract Poster
- Mordalski, S.; Smusz, S.; Esmaielbeiki, R.; Bojarski, A.J.; Feature selection for structure based pharmacophore model by means of Structural Interaction Fingerprint and 3D motif; The 5th Conversatory of Medicinal Chemistry, 13-15.09.2012, Lublin, Poland, Book of Abstracts, p.P-95. Abstract Poster
- Witek, J.; Rataj, K.; Mordalski, S.; Kościółek, T.; Bojarski, A.J.; Selected Transmembrane Receptors – Structures, Interactions and Binding Site Analysis; The 5th Conversatory of Medicinal Chemistry, 13-15.09.2012, Lublin, Poland, Book of Abstracts, p.P-87. Abstract Poster
- Rataj, K.; Witek, J.; Mordalski, S.; Kristiansen, K.; Smusz, S.; Bojarski, A.J.; Mutation Mining: Automated Extraction of Mutation Data from Scientific Publications; The 5th Conversatory of Medicinal Chemistry, 13-15.09.2012, Lublin, Poland, Book of Abstracts, p.P-59. Abstract Poster
- Witek, J.; Rataj, K.; Smusz, S.; Mordalski, S.; Kosciolek, T. Bojarski A.J. Application of Structural Interaction Fingerprints into post-docking analysis – insight into activity and selectivity, The 8. German Conference on Cheminformatics, 11-13.11.2012, Goslar, Niemcy, Book of Abstracts: P-30. Abstract Poster
- Rataj, K.; Witek, J.; Kosciolek, T.; Mordalski, S.; Bojarski A.J. The importance of template choice on homology modeling: A 5-HT6R-based study, The 8. German Conference on Cheminformatics, 11-13.11.2012, Goslar, Niemcy, Book of Abstracts: P-10 Abstract Poster
- Smusz, S.; Kurczab, R.; Warszycki, D.; Kościółek, T.; Mordalski, S.; Bojarski, A.J.; Hybridization of ligands as a way of generating combinatorial libraries of drug candidates; Spring Congress of Polish Chemical Society Student Section, 13-17.04.2011, Murzasichle, Poland, Book of Abstracts, p.130. Abstract Poster
- Kościółek, T.; Mordalski, S.; Bojarski, A.J.; Different approaches in homology modeling of transmembrane domain of metabotropic glutamate receptor type 4 (mGluR4); The Twentieth Days of Neuropsychopharmacology, 22-25.05.2011, Ustroń-Jaszowiec,Poland, Pharmacological Reports, 2011, 63, p.579. Abstract
- Warszycki, D.; Kristiansen, K.; Mordalski, S.; Kurczab, R.; Sylte, I.; Bojarski, A.J.; Comparison of various strategies in pharmacophore models generation – application to 5-HT1A receptor ligands; 9th International Conference on Chemical Structures, 05-09.06.2011, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, Book of Abstracts, p.95. Abstract Poster
- Kurczab, R.; Mordalski, S.; Kościółek, T.; Bojarski, A.J.; The new strategy in structure-based pharmacophore model generation and its applications in virtual screening; VII Joint Meeting on Medicinal Chemistry, 26-27.06.2011, Catania, Italy, Book of Abstracts, p.187. Abstract Poster
- Bugno, R.; Duszyńska, B.; Satała, G.; Mordalski, S.; Chmielarz, P.; Nalepa, I.; Bojarski, A.J.; Searching of novel leads for 5-HT7 receptor antagonists – selectivity hints from molecular modeling studies; VII Joint Meeting on Medicinal Chemistry, 26-27.06.2011, Catania, Italy, Book of Abstracts, p.189. Abstract Poster
- Warszycki, D.; Kristiansen, K.; Kurczab, R.; Satała, G.; Mordalski, S.; Sylte, I.; Bojarski, A.J.; Extensive pharmacophore modeling studies on 5-HT1A receptor ligands – single hypothesis vs. linear combinations; VII Joint Meeting on Medicinal Chemistry, 26-27.06.2011, Catania, Italy, Book of Abstracts, p.186. Abstract Poster
- Warszycki, D.; Kristiansen, K.; Kurczab, R.; Mordalski, S.; Sylte, I.; Bojarski, A.J.; Linear Combination of Pharmacophore Hypotheses as a New Tool in Search of New 5-HT1A Receptor Ligands; The 4th Conversatory of Medicinal Chemistry, 08-10.09.2011, Lublin, Poland, Book of Abstracts, p.PP-4. Abstract Poster
- Mordalski, S.; Kościółek, T.; Kristiansen, K.; Sylte, I.; Chilmonczyk, Z.; Bojarski, A.J.; A System for Automated Validation of GPCRs Homology Models Against Mutational Data; The 4th Conversatory of Medicinal Chemistry, 08-10.09.2011, Lublin, Poland, Book of Abstracts, p.P-45. Abstract Poster
- Rataj, K.; Witek, J.; Kościółek, T.; Mordalski, S.; Bojarski, A.J.; Comparison of Homology Models of 5-HT6R Created with Different Crystal Templates; The 4th Conversatory of Medicinal Chemistry, 08-10.09.2011, Lublin, Poland, Book of Abstracts, p.P-52. Abstract Poster
- Witek, J.; Rataj, K.; Kościółek, T.; Mordalski, S.; Bojarski, A.J.; Application of Interaction Patterns to Discriminate Ligand Preference to Target/Antitarget Protein; The 4th Conversatory of Medicinal Chemistry, 08-10.09.2011, Lublin, Poland, Book of Abstracts, p.P-73. Abstract Poster
- Mordalski, S.; Kościółek, T.; Nowak, M.; Ravna, A.W.; Brański, P.; Sylte, I.; Bojarski, A.J.; Interaction fingerprints patterns. Binding mode analysis of mGlu2 receptor model based on docking studies; The Seventh Multidisciplinary Conference on Drug Research, 09-12.05.2010, Zakopane, Poland, Book of Abstracts, p.66. Abstract Poster
- Mordalski, S.; Kościółek, T.; Bojarski, A.J.; Application of Structural Interaction Fingerprints (SIFt) in Identification and Analysis of GPCR Binding-Sites; 3rd Conversatory of Medicinal Chemistry, 20-22.09.2010, Lublin, Poland, Book of Abstracts, p.PP-8. Abstract Poster
- Mordalski, S.; Kościółek, T.; Sylte, I.; Bojarski, A.J.; Application of Highly Efficient Database Systems in Virtual Screening Protocol; 3rd Conversatory of Medicinal Chemistry, Book of Abstracts, p.P-34. Abstract Poster
- Mordalski, S.; Kościółek, T.; Ravna, A.W.; Sylte, I.; Bojarski, A.J.; Homology modelling of Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor 2; German Conference on Chemoinformatics, 07-09.11.2010, Goslar, Germany, Book of Abstracts, p.104. Abstract Poster
- Kościółek, T.; Mordalski, S.; Bojarski, A.J.; Rapid binding site analysis by means of structural interaction fingerprint patterns – an implication to GPCRtargeted computer aided drug design; German Conference on Chemoinformatics, 07-09.11.2010, Goslar, Germany, Book of Abstracts, p.106. Abstract
- Mordalski, S.; Kościółek, T.; Kristiansen, K.; Sylte, I.; Chilmonczyk, Z.; Bojarski, A.J.; A system for automated validation of GPCRs homology models against mutational data; GPCR Workshop, 07-10.12.2010, Honolulu, USA, Book of Abstracts, p.40. Abstract Poster
- Kościółek, T.; Mordalski, S.; Bojarski, A.J.; Topology-based homology model construction of metabotropic glutamate receptor type 4 (mGluR4), a class C GPCR; GPCR Workshop, 07-10.12.2010, Honolulu, USA, Book of Abstracts, p.42. Poster
- Mordalski, S.; Nowak, M.; Brański, P.; Homology modeling of metabotropic glutamate receptor 2; 2nd Conversatory of Medicinal Chemistry, 19-20.09.2009, Lublin, Poland, Book of Astracts, p.PK-9. Abstract Poster
- Mordalski, S.; Lewgowd, W.; Stańczak, A.; Szczesio, M.; Główka, M.L.; Bojarski, A.J.; Experimental and Theoretical Studies on Conformations of Arylpiperazines with Pyrimido[5,4-c]quinolin-4(3H)-one Terminal; 1st Conversatory of Medicinal Chemistry, 19-20.09.2008, Lublin, Poland, Book of Astracts, p.P-47. Abstract Poster
- Nowak, M.; Mordalski, S.; Homology modelling of metabotropic glutamate receptor 2; The Sixth Multidisciplinary Conference on Drug Research, 26-28.05.2008, Przemyśl, Poland, Book of Abstracts, p.45.
b) speeches:
- Mordalski, S.; Witek, J.; Rataj, K.; Smusz, S.; Bojarski, A.J.; A SIFt-guided approach to docking restrains assignment. An application to Virtual Screening; 5th Symposium of the Polish Bioinformatics Society, 25-27.05.2012, Gdańsk, Poland, Book of Abstracts, p.Talk10. Abstract Poster
- Mordalski, S.; Kościółek, T.; Kristiansen, K.; Sylte, I.; Chilmonczyk, Z.; Bojarski, A.J.; A System for Automated Validation of GPCRs Homology Models Against Mutational Data; Schrödinger 11th Annual European User Group Meeting, 19-21.10.2011, Copenhagen, Denmark, Book of Abstracts, p.15. Abstract
- Mordalski, S.; Nowak, M.; Brański, P.; Homology modeling of metabotropic glutamate receptor 2; poster presentation, 2nd Conversatory of Medicinal Chemistry, 19-20.09.2009, Lublin, Poland, Book of Astracts, p.PK-9. Abstract Poster
- Mordalski, S.; Butscher, M.; Bojarski, A.J.; Homology modelling of metabotropic glutamate receptor 3 extracellular domain, BioInfo, 2008, Warszawa, Poland